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Squarell presents Advanced Tell-tales, the solution for real-time insight into warning lights. The timely and accurate intervention in response to these signals leads to more efficient operational management.
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Dashboard lights for the fleet manager

Dashboard lights alert the driver to malfunctions detected by the vehicle’s electronic control system. Squarell Advanced Tell-tales provide the fleet manager with a live view of the technical condition of the vehicle and its operation by the driver.

Save costs by taking early action

With Squarell Advanced Tell-tales, we bring these warnings to the fleet manager, so that he can act in a timely manner. This could include recalling the vehicle for immediate maintenance or alerting the driver. This results in limiting risks, such as repairing engine damage or towing the vehicle to the garage. Safety can be ensured by warnings about low tyre pressure, critical fluid levels or a brake system in need of maintenance. The performance of the transport company increases through improved continuity of service, reliability and a reduction in lost revenue.


  • Realtime insight into activated dashboard lights, anytime, anywhere

  • More control for the fleet manager and better support for the driver

  • Prevent immobilisation of vehicles and avoid fines for late delivery

  • Risk reduction through timely intervention

  • Improved safety for personnel and equipment

This is the strength of Squarell Technology; our experience in data extraction has made it possible to offer more warning signals than initially provided by the vehicle manufacturer.

For all EURO 6 trucks and buses

Squarell supports all EURO 6 trucks and buses and will continue to expand the list of supported vehicles in the future. If you are interested in support for a specific vehicle, Squarell is always open for a request.

Benefits of Advanced Tell-tales

  • Expand the excisting amount of  Tell-tales with up to 69 advanced parameters if available

  • Monitor Tell-tales in your fleet management system

  • Save costs with predictive maintenance

  • Support for all EURO 6 trucks and buses

  • Upgrade your existing Squarell hardware (OTA) with Advanced Tell-tales

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